Thursday, November 27, 2014

Causeless Chronic Back Pain Treatment - How To Overcome The Difficulty

his article describes the difficulties involved in diagnosing chronic back pain without cause. An injury causes pain and a person suffering form back pain caused due to an injury needs for symptomatic treatment.

Causeless Chronic Back Pain Treatment - How To Overcome The Difficulty Causeless Chronic Back Pain Treatment - How To Overcome The Difficulty
By Abhishek Agarwal
An injury causes pain and a person suffering form back pain caused due to an injury needs for symptomatic treatment. He may pay a visit to the doctor and explain the cause of pain. Based on this report from the patient himself, the doctor can accurately diagnose the problem and prescribe medication to alleviate the pain. Chronic back pain is back pain that has been present for months on end without relief. In such circumstances, it may be very difficult for the doctor to diagnose the problem without knowing the causative factors. However, if the patient recollects pulling a muscle, or lifting a heavy object, the doctor's job becomes that much easier, as he gets a fair idea of what to look for and where to start.
It is difficult to imagine that a person can develop chronic back pain without any reason. Most commonly, people complain of awaking with a severe backache and they cannot attribute any reason for it. In such cases, the patient will try various home remedies like heat therapy or a massage and rest. At times, this treatment may work and the pain may disappear in a couple of days. If the therapy does not work, the pain may worsen and continue for a long time, turning into chronic back pain. Trying to get medical treatment for the back pain at this point, may prove very difficult. The doctor has little information to depend on, so he has to start at the bottom and go to the root of the problem.
Chronic back pain without cause can be diagnosed quickly if there is no serious injury and the treatment can begin. However, in other cases a lot of time and money may be spent just to determine the cause of the problem before starting treatment. The doctor has nothing to base his theory on which he can make the prognosis, because nothing specifically happened to 'cause' the back pain. He will start treatment by recommending exercises, heat therapy or prescribe over the counter medicines. If this does not help the next stage would be to prescribe pain relievers and muscle relaxants. This may help to relieve the tension in the stretched muscles. If none of these methods work, the doctor will run various tests like MRI, X-ray or ultrasound. These tests may help to locate the problem and provide the doctor the information to begin treatment.
If all efforts to locate the problem fail, the doctor may conclude it to be a psychological problem rather than a physical one and recommend counseling. This will help to determine whether the patient is suffering from depression or stress, both of which can cause chronic back pain. An efficient doctor will make all possible efforts to diagnose the problem of chronic back pain without a cause and treat it to the best of his ability. It is a challenging task, but if both the patient and the doctor work diligently towards finding a solution to the problem, success is not far behind.
Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.
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