Do you want to eliminate lower back pain forever. Following these 7 simple steps will allow you to rid yourself of lower back pain - permanently!
7 Steps to Eliminate Lower Back Pain - Permanently!
7 Steps to Eliminate Lower Back Pain - Permanently!
By Graeme Teague
Do you suffer from Lower Back Pain? Would you like to move around free and easily, being able to do sport or just play with your children... without the fear of your lower back pain getting worse?
Well, you are in good company. Over 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some stage. Most leave it for months or years before they do anything about it. Yet there are some simple steps to follow that can eliminate your lower back pain - completely and permanently.
Step 1: Muscle Stretches
Yes I know you know about stretches. There are countless ones about and all say they are the miracle cure to your lower back pain... only if you do them this way or that.
But there are no miracle stretches. Sure there are better ways to stretch, but the most important aspect is not how to stretch. The most important aspect of stretching is stretching the right muscles at the right time. There are certain muscles that cause lower backpain. Stretch these and lower back pain will ease, stretch them at the right time and you will not only remove lower back pain you will improve your flexibility in half the time or quicker.
Step 2: Muscle Strength
So which gym am I promoting or which type of exercise is best. In fact - if you don't improve the nerve supply or the blood supply to your muscles, no exercise will create the benefits you need. If a muscle has its' nerve or blood supply compromised, then no matter which exercise you do, the muscle will not gain strength.
Without muscle strength, you fail to have your joints supported. Also if one muscle is too weak it can callow another to tighten. So you need to know the best stretches and strengthening techniques or your muscular system will not heal 100%.
Step 3: Joint Mobility
Your joints need to move freely and easily. If the joint gets "sticky" then the muscles around it will tire out or tighten up. If a joint moves well the muscles are able to function correctly and stay in their ideal state of tension.
But... surely moving joints is in the domain of Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physio's. Actually there are many techniques that you can use at home to get your joints moving freely and easily. Add in the muscle techniques and the major causes of lower back pain are eliminated, simply and easily.
Step 4: Inflammation
Inflammation can be removed through medication, supplements, Homeopathics and other natural products. You can also use Acupressure or Acupuncture (although Acupuncture is hard to use at home - who wants to stick needles in themselves anyway) which are both highly effective at removing inflammation.
If your joints are tender to touch, if your muscles are sensitive also, then inflammation is likely there. Removing it helps the area heal faster. Left there too long and the area will stiffen and become slower to heal, and even scar tissue can form as a protection.
Step 5: Posture
Is you posture correct, do you stand up straight? Well don't be alarmed, neither of these is important. Posture is a function of lower back pain, energy levels and general health. If you are suffering lower back pain, then your posture changes to accommodate it. If you are tired then you will slouch and have a less ideal posture. Posture is important to help the long term removal of lower back pain and the next step is vital in all postural issues.
Step 6: Rest
Rest means rest. Yes you should relax and rest, stop using your spine each day for at least an hour. Take time here and there to lie down and stop fighting gravity. Gravity is the biggest cause of stress on your spine and muscles.
Lying down is the only way you can rest against gravity. If you lie down a few times a day then your muscles will not tire as easily, joints will have less pressure on them, your disc in your spine will not be squeezed as often and your energy levels in general will be better.
All you need to do is every few hours, take a 5-10 minute break and lie on the floor. When you get home and watch TV, lie on the floor or sofa to rest while you watch the TV. All these help to ease tension off your spine and will also benefit your posture - as if you are less tired, if your muscles have more energy - your posture will improve.
Step 7: Seek Help
If in doubt seek help, if lower back pain persists see your doctor. Lower back pain will usually ease itself within a few weeks. If you use the steps above then you can shorten this time considerably. However if lower back pain persists... seek help. If you follow these 7 steps to eliminate your lower back pain, you will find pain disappears quickly and easily. If you fail to complete any of these steps, or worse if your practitioner does, then lower back pain will return at some stage. To find out which muscles to target, how to move your joints and all the details on the other steps just visit our web page on lower back pain.
Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Click this link Back Pain Relief now, to grab your FREE eBook on the first and vital step of back pain relief.
Article Source:!&id=657856
By Graeme Teague
Do you suffer from Lower Back Pain? Would you like to move around free and easily, being able to do sport or just play with your children... without the fear of your lower back pain getting worse?
Well, you are in good company. Over 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some stage. Most leave it for months or years before they do anything about it. Yet there are some simple steps to follow that can eliminate your lower back pain - completely and permanently.
Step 1: Muscle Stretches
Yes I know you know about stretches. There are countless ones about and all say they are the miracle cure to your lower back pain... only if you do them this way or that.
But there are no miracle stretches. Sure there are better ways to stretch, but the most important aspect is not how to stretch. The most important aspect of stretching is stretching the right muscles at the right time. There are certain muscles that cause lower backpain. Stretch these and lower back pain will ease, stretch them at the right time and you will not only remove lower back pain you will improve your flexibility in half the time or quicker.
Step 2: Muscle Strength
So which gym am I promoting or which type of exercise is best. In fact - if you don't improve the nerve supply or the blood supply to your muscles, no exercise will create the benefits you need. If a muscle has its' nerve or blood supply compromised, then no matter which exercise you do, the muscle will not gain strength.
Without muscle strength, you fail to have your joints supported. Also if one muscle is too weak it can callow another to tighten. So you need to know the best stretches and strengthening techniques or your muscular system will not heal 100%.
Step 3: Joint Mobility
Your joints need to move freely and easily. If the joint gets "sticky" then the muscles around it will tire out or tighten up. If a joint moves well the muscles are able to function correctly and stay in their ideal state of tension.
But... surely moving joints is in the domain of Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physio's. Actually there are many techniques that you can use at home to get your joints moving freely and easily. Add in the muscle techniques and the major causes of lower back pain are eliminated, simply and easily.
Step 4: Inflammation
Inflammation can be removed through medication, supplements, Homeopathics and other natural products. You can also use Acupressure or Acupuncture (although Acupuncture is hard to use at home - who wants to stick needles in themselves anyway) which are both highly effective at removing inflammation.
If your joints are tender to touch, if your muscles are sensitive also, then inflammation is likely there. Removing it helps the area heal faster. Left there too long and the area will stiffen and become slower to heal, and even scar tissue can form as a protection.
Step 5: Posture
Is you posture correct, do you stand up straight? Well don't be alarmed, neither of these is important. Posture is a function of lower back pain, energy levels and general health. If you are suffering lower back pain, then your posture changes to accommodate it. If you are tired then you will slouch and have a less ideal posture. Posture is important to help the long term removal of lower back pain and the next step is vital in all postural issues.
Step 6: Rest
Rest means rest. Yes you should relax and rest, stop using your spine each day for at least an hour. Take time here and there to lie down and stop fighting gravity. Gravity is the biggest cause of stress on your spine and muscles.
Lying down is the only way you can rest against gravity. If you lie down a few times a day then your muscles will not tire as easily, joints will have less pressure on them, your disc in your spine will not be squeezed as often and your energy levels in general will be better.
All you need to do is every few hours, take a 5-10 minute break and lie on the floor. When you get home and watch TV, lie on the floor or sofa to rest while you watch the TV. All these help to ease tension off your spine and will also benefit your posture - as if you are less tired, if your muscles have more energy - your posture will improve.
Step 7: Seek Help
If in doubt seek help, if lower back pain persists see your doctor. Lower back pain will usually ease itself within a few weeks. If you use the steps above then you can shorten this time considerably. However if lower back pain persists... seek help. If you follow these 7 steps to eliminate your lower back pain, you will find pain disappears quickly and easily. If you fail to complete any of these steps, or worse if your practitioner does, then lower back pain will return at some stage. To find out which muscles to target, how to move your joints and all the details on the other steps just visit our web page on lower back pain.
Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Click this link Back Pain Relief now, to grab your FREE eBook on the first and vital step of back pain relief.
Article Source:!&id=657856