Friday, June 29, 2018

Thai people eat pineapple fit.

แนะ คนไทยกินสับปะรด ปริมาณพอดี  thaihealth

Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health Farmers support the problem of declining agricultural production prices. Eat pineapple in 6-8 servings a day. Pineapple is rich in beta-carotene. Dietary fiber and vitamin C Iron absorption. Boost the immune system Antioxidants Reduce cancer risk.

        Doctor Amporn All rights reserved. Deputy Director General of Department of Health And a spokesman for the ministry revealed that Thai pineapple is currently experiencing a fall in agricultural production prices, affecting growers. One way to help farmers who have suffered and healthy self. It is encouraging Thai people to eat more fruits. Fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants in a day, should eat fruit to a variety of 3-5 parts per day. Pineapple is nutritious. Rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber to nourish the eyes. Anti-inflammatory Boost the immune system And reduce cancer risk. Vitamin C also helps absorption of iron. Choose to eat pineapple instead of eating snacks, sweets and sweet drinks. For better health.

        "According to the Thai Health Survey By the 5th of 2557 found that Thai people still eat fruit is not enough. Thai people aged 15 years and over eat enough fruits per day, only 30.5 percent eat enough fruits and vegetables per day, only 25.9 percent. The 30-59 year olds eat enough fruit and vegetables 29.0-30.6 percent. In the elderly 60 years and over, the largest decline in the elderly 80 years and over. Eat enough fruits and vegetables 11 percent, in spite of eating more fruit. Because all ages need vitamins and minerals. Especially the elderly have more deterioration of cells than other age. And as age requires vitamins and minerals to inhibit free radicals that destroy the cells and cause cancer. It also needs fiber to help slow down the absorption of sugar and stimulate excretion, help the stomach does not tie. Pineapple is good for the body. This is a great way to encourage the farmers, "said Deputy Director General of the Department of Health.

        Female Doctor Napapan Wiriya Industry The director of the Nutrition Department said that one portion of pineapple has 6-8 pieces in a day can eat up to 6-8 pieces of fruit and eat other fruits to add 3-5 parts per day. 60 kcal depending on the sweetness of each species. For example, in 1 day eat banana 1 fruit, ½ fruit, mango ½ papaya fruit, 6-8 pieces, including pineapple, it will be 5 parts fit or may eat banana 2 fruit 1 fruit, plus pineapple will be 5 parts. To eat a variety of fruits, depending on the convenience of the consumer. In the case of the elderly eat fruit one to three days is sufficient, so each meal should eat the main dish, rich in vegetables. Followed by 1-2 fruits. If you choose to eat pineapple nutrition. Should eat 6-8 pieces at a time after meals. Instead of desserts made from flour and sugar. This will get the vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants needed. To drink pineapple juice. Should choose to spin with the waste. Not flavored