Friday, June 29, 2018

Department of Sciatic Dengue diagnosis in 8 hours.

กรมวิทย์ฯ วินิจฉัยไข้เลือดออกได้ใน 8 ชั่วโมง thaihealth
Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health Dengue fever diagnosis service Dengue virus infection Rapid laboratory diagnostics. Genetic testing Real-time RT-PCR is effective within 8 hours to help doctors cure dengue. And other diseases. Quickly

Dr. Suksan Kanjanapai, Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences, said that the dengue virus The virus is in the same group as the virus. And JE Viruses There are four types of dengue virus: 1 dengue virus 2 dengue virus 3 dengue virus 4 infection Dengue virus Mosquitoes are a major carrier. Mosquitoes can also transmit the virus from generation to generation. Thailand has reported dengue virus infection over the past 10 years from 2006 to 2017. It is estimated that in 2018 there will be 74,000-75,000 dengue hemorrhagic fever patients and a high mortality rate. Than usual The type of virus that pandemides each year is different. In 2560, the first dengue virus and the second type of dengue virus. In the year 2018 (to May 2018), a number of dengue virus 1 How many dengue virus 2 and dengue virus 4

          After getting the mosquito for 5-8 days, the patient will start to have symptoms such as fever, anorexia, vomiting, some may have abdominal pain. Bleeding at this stage is a small bleeding point. Spreads by limb armpit may have nosebleeds. Or scurvy. Most of them are healed. Except for some cases of severe symptoms, shock may be present. So if the patient is diagnosed quickly and confirmed. It can be treated better.

          Director-General of the Department of Medical Sciences Continue that. Institute of Health Sciences Department of Medical Sciences Diagnostic system for infectious diseases. With rapid diagnostic tests in the laboratory. By genetic testing. Real-time RT-PCR provides both sensitivity and flexibility. And high specificity. Different types of dengue virus can be isolated. The appropriate sample was sera or EDTA plasma that drilled from the patient within 0-7 days after onset of illness. The test can be performed within 8 hours after receiving the sample. There are also IgM antibodies and IgG antibodies specific to the dengue virus by the ELISA method, which can also confirm the infection.

          "Dengue virus infection. No medicines and vaccine development is still underway. But people can prevent infection by avoiding mosquito bites. Use mosquito repellant spray mosquito repellant in the mosquito nets used lid. And eliminate mosquito breeding in the home and around the house, "said Dr. Suk.