What are the 3 biggest causes of lower back pain? Are how can you eliminate them easily?
The 3 Biggest Causes of Lower Back Pain
The 3 Biggest Causes of Lower Back Pain
By Graeme Teague
Lower back pain is both a common and debilitating condition. Statistics say that over 80% of the adult population will suffer from backpain at some stage. Medical data states that backpain is only second to the common cold for doctor's visits.
Low back pain is now a very common occurrence in your life. So what are the most common causes and can you do something about it?
There are actually 3 common causes of lower back pain. They do not fit the usual stereotypical causes either. It is not injuries; it is not falls, nothing to do with muscle strain or joint sprains. The 3 biggest causes of lower back pain are the activities that allow lower back pain to happen.
And they are as follows...
Gravity - yes the pressure from the sky. Gravity affects your muscles and joints. It creates pressure on joints and allows degeneration of the joint to develop. Gravity is constant every day and adults believe they can fight it and win. But you can't!
Adults spend the entire day sitting or standing. You only lie down when you go to bed. For the average person, that means 8 hours not fighting gravity, and 16 hours fighting it. So gravity wins and allows you to shrink in height with age, for joints to degenerate, muscles to tire.
How can you fight it - you can't eliminate gravity but you can stop its' effects on you.
Warming Up - why is warming up a common cause of lower back pain? It isn't. Not warming up is. Sure you may warm up for sport and exercise. But do you warm up for gardening, household chores and other daily tasks at your work place? Most likely not.
Most accidents, injuries, lower back pain etc occur because your body is ill-prepared for the work you are about to do. The shock causes the muscles to tighten, for joints to react and low backpain occurs. So you need to warm up for all exercise, whether it is sport related or work or home related. Go for a walk, stretch and limber up before you get stuck into the activity.
Stupidity - no stupid people do not cause low backpain. Your stupid behavior does. Adults are notorious for over doing things. Men especially. We lift too heavier an object, do not take breaks when you should, work too long and too hard.
All these activities lead to the common over-use strains and sprains that lead to lower back pain. Men like to be the macho hero, who can lift the weight of a car. Only to find out tomorrow they can't lift their own body weight out of bed in the morning. Women are less stupid, but are learning fast to do the same. You spend 8 hours gardening, 3 hours vacuuming, yet you shudder at going to the gym for an hour.
What is the solution? Do not over do it, take regular breaks, warm up for exercises no matter what they are and lie down more often.
Lower back pain is a common event in today's' hectic world. All you need to do to eliminate your lower back pain is avoid the bigger causes, learn to correct the muscle and joint imbalances and then you can prevent lower backpain - totally and permanently!
Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Click this link Back Pain Relief now, to grab your FREE eBook on the first and vital step of back pain relief.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graeme_Teague
By Graeme Teague
Lower back pain is both a common and debilitating condition. Statistics say that over 80% of the adult population will suffer from backpain at some stage. Medical data states that backpain is only second to the common cold for doctor's visits.
Low back pain is now a very common occurrence in your life. So what are the most common causes and can you do something about it?
There are actually 3 common causes of lower back pain. They do not fit the usual stereotypical causes either. It is not injuries; it is not falls, nothing to do with muscle strain or joint sprains. The 3 biggest causes of lower back pain are the activities that allow lower back pain to happen.
And they are as follows...
Gravity - yes the pressure from the sky. Gravity affects your muscles and joints. It creates pressure on joints and allows degeneration of the joint to develop. Gravity is constant every day and adults believe they can fight it and win. But you can't!
Adults spend the entire day sitting or standing. You only lie down when you go to bed. For the average person, that means 8 hours not fighting gravity, and 16 hours fighting it. So gravity wins and allows you to shrink in height with age, for joints to degenerate, muscles to tire.
How can you fight it - you can't eliminate gravity but you can stop its' effects on you.
Warming Up - why is warming up a common cause of lower back pain? It isn't. Not warming up is. Sure you may warm up for sport and exercise. But do you warm up for gardening, household chores and other daily tasks at your work place? Most likely not.
Most accidents, injuries, lower back pain etc occur because your body is ill-prepared for the work you are about to do. The shock causes the muscles to tighten, for joints to react and low backpain occurs. So you need to warm up for all exercise, whether it is sport related or work or home related. Go for a walk, stretch and limber up before you get stuck into the activity.
Stupidity - no stupid people do not cause low backpain. Your stupid behavior does. Adults are notorious for over doing things. Men especially. We lift too heavier an object, do not take breaks when you should, work too long and too hard.
All these activities lead to the common over-use strains and sprains that lead to lower back pain. Men like to be the macho hero, who can lift the weight of a car. Only to find out tomorrow they can't lift their own body weight out of bed in the morning. Women are less stupid, but are learning fast to do the same. You spend 8 hours gardening, 3 hours vacuuming, yet you shudder at going to the gym for an hour.
What is the solution? Do not over do it, take regular breaks, warm up for exercises no matter what they are and lie down more often.
Lower back pain is a common event in today's' hectic world. All you need to do to eliminate your lower back pain is avoid the bigger causes, learn to correct the muscle and joint imbalances and then you can prevent lower backpain - totally and permanently!
Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Click this link Back Pain Relief now, to grab your FREE eBook on the first and vital step of back pain relief.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graeme_Teague